CodeHousing by Grant Dennison

Welcome to my website!

Below are a few of my favorite hobby projects. I make them because I can't help my compulsive need to reinvent the wheel.

Thy (lang)

While working on my video game, I got distracted by the idea of a programming language I could use on my phone. Fast forward a few years, and I still haven't finished this "small project".


SoloVid is my indie game "studio". I started making games in summer of 2012. It may not look it from the site, but I still actively continue to work on my main video game project.

Prayer App

My brother gave me an idea for an app to organize my personal list of prayer requests. This idea evolved into this simple list-of-lists-of-lists (etc.) approach for tracking prayer requests.

I created this app with Flutter in about a month.

Jet Backer

After implementing an eCommerce storefront for PieceKeeper Games, I decided (as one does) to create a full Kickstarter pledge manager service. Several campaigns (over 50,000 backers) have used the platform since its launch in January of 2018.

All good things come to an end, though. 😕 Jet Backer will be shutting down at the end of 2024.

About Grant

Grant Dennison is a software engineer in Cincinnati. He graduated from Cedarville University in 2017. He has a love for Jesus and a passion for software development. When he's not with his church or writing software, he enjoys playing games, rock climbing, and keeping freshwater fish.
Email: grant [dot] dennison [at] gmail [dot] com
GitHub: grant-dennison